CR Tamper-Evident Jars are compatible with tamper-evident, child-resistant caps. They are opaque black which blocks light and potentially harmful UV rays. CR Tamper-Evident Jars also features an airtight seal to keep odors and moisture from leaking out.
Jars in different categories: Ointment Jars, Suction Lid Glass, Square Glass. Also in different size: 16oz, 8oz, 4oz, 3oz, 2oz, 1oz,0.5oz, 1 dram, 2 dram. Our products and services are intended for pharmacies, clinics, laboratories, veterinaries and only legal medical growers – qualified patients, primary caregivers or coops or collectives – who cultivate edibles in compliance with the Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215). Jars are mostly used for hemp and medicine storage due to the hygienic qualities of the item. They are available with airtight lids and caps which keep products potent. The lids are also child-resistant to ensure the container cannot be easily opened by children. These features make them the ideal choice for commercial or private use. Flower and dab jars can be customized with labels at wholesale prices to accommodate the branding needs of dispensary suppliers, brokers, growers, and pharmacies. Concentrate or dab containers are non-sticky containers that are used to store wax, cream, oil and other small items used in canna packaging. They can be made from silicone, glass, or high-quality plastic and are available in various sizes for convenient storage. These can be used for pharmacies, veterinaries, vape shops, dispensary stores, and smoke shops where waxy buildup from various products can create an issue. Buy quality containers from us. At Line Packaging Supplies, we operate on a worldwide basis to provide our customers with container and packaging solutions for their needs. We supply glass, plastic, and metal packaging products to businesses and individuals. Only the best quality products.